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Contacts and Referrals – Haringey SPA and MASH Operating Protocols

Scope of this chapter

This chapter links to the operating protocols for the Haringey contact and referral points - the Single Point of Access (SPA) and the Multi-Agency safeguarding Hub (MASH). The MASH describes the five core elements of working and the process, whilst the SPA Protocol identifies the ways of contacting the SPA and the way the process links to MASH and the 'continuum of needs / support', early help etc. It also offers guidance around identifying priorities.


The Guide to the Single Point of Access for services that protect and promote the welfare of children in Haringey

Haringey Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub Operating Protocol


This chapter was updated in May 2024.

May 7, 2024

Last Updated: May 7, 2024
